Alice and Albert Netter prize

Object of the Prize

The prize Alice and Albert NETTER intends to reward an original research work in the field of human gynecology. Its purpose is to stimulate the research and the creativity for young researchers. The scope of the prize is clinical, epidemiological studies, or basic research in the field of medical gynecology.
The jury will decide on the acceptability of the proposals. For the year 2023 2 prizes (5.000 euros) will be awarded, one for clinical research work and another for basic research work.


The Prize Alice and Albert NETTER is intended to reward young individual researchers, below 40 years. The joint candidature of two or several young researchers belonging to distinct scientific units but working in collaboration on the same topic is authorized. In these cases, their age limits, the importance of their total scientific contributions as well as the proof of their scientific interaction are evaluated by the jury. The Prize Alice and Albert NETTER is then awarded indivisibly to this group of young researchers.


The candidatures must be addressed by e-mail in PDF version to the President of the ESG ([email protected]) and to the Vice-President ([email protected]) before 10 September 2022.

A short scientific presentation (maximum 1000 words), written in in English addressing the nature and the interest of the scientific research for which the Prize is requested. It will be accompanied by a letter of motivation, describing the continuation of work and the future prospects of the candidate(s), with a copy of the curriculum vitae and a list of the publications in connection with the candidature, followed by the possible list of other works. The factor of impact and the scientific index of quotation must accompany the list of original works, in connection with the candidature. Proof of national and international collaborations of the candidate (not of the team), and national and international funding obtained will be also joined. The proposed work should not have received a National or International prize.

Only original papers published in international journals will be accepted. Their acceptance for publication must be certified by a letter of the editors. Reviews and original papers submitted for publication will not be accepted.


The jury

The jury is composed of the members of the Board of the ESG. The President of the ESG is automatically the president of the jury. In the case of incapacity, he is replaced by the General Secretary.

The decisions of the jury are sovereign. They are taken by simple majority. In case of ex æquo, the President shall have the casting vote. The evaluation is carried out in two phases. Each member of the jury establishes a first classification before the deliberation, which he communicates to the General Secretary. The members of the jury who do not send this list to the General Secretary, at least 15 days before the meeting of the jury would will not take part in it.

This evaluation, on 100 points, is based on the following criteria:

  1. Scientific excellence of work(publications related to work, total impact factor, index of quotations): maximum 50 points,
  2. Excellence of the curriculum vitae(lessons, stays abroad, national and international collaborations, national and international contracts in connection with work…) maximum 20 points
  3. Importance of the research topic: maximum 30 points.
  4. The individual scoreobtained is communicated during the voting meeting. The final classification of the candidates and the prize winner nomination are decided during the meeting of the jury
  5. The members of the jury, whose collaborators are candidates for the Prize Alice and Albert NETTER, cannot take part in the pre-classification nor in the vote of deliberation.


Albert Netter

Professor Albert NETTER took part in the creation of the concept of Medical Gynecology and governed the creation and the organization of the European Society of Gynecology (ESG).   Great clinician and researcher, he always taught clinical excellence, inspiring and motivating his pupils’ scientific curiosity. Concerned about the perpetuation of this spirit of creativity and competence, Professor and Mrs NETTER wished and financed the creation by the ESG, of a prize encouraging and fostering original research in Gynecology.

The Prize

The prize Alice and Albert NETTER is allotted every two years.