The ESG develops a free of charge online updating program for women’s health HCPs.
Each month 2 keynote speakers will discuss on a range of topics devoted to improving your knowledge and professional development in your daily clinical practice.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to participate in live question and answer sessions.These monthly resources provide you with invaluable and engaging insights covering a wide spectrum of subjects, including Breast Cancer, IVF, Pregnancy, Hypotalamic Amenorrhea, Gynecologial Oncology, Genital Infections and many others.
To access the library of on-demand webinars available anytime, please click on “Past webinars”.
Gynecology & Obstetrics
2 speakers each month
Time for Q&A
Blazej Meczekalski Stress, Kisspeptin and Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Alessandro Genazzani Integrative approach to Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and the use of low dose estrogens
Andrzej Milewicz Adolescence, reproductive period of life and pregnancy
Andrea Genazzani From climacterium to old age
Johannes Ott Progestogens in Luteal phase supplementation
Alfred Mueck The choice of progestogen for HRT
Peter Humaidan Luteal phase in fresh IVF cycles
Pedro Barri Luteal phase in frozen embryo transfer cycles
Andrea R. Genazzani Chairman
David Serfaty
Ali Kubba