
Announcing the 14th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology – Venice 10-13 November 2021

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of European Society of Gynecology (ESG), I am very pleased to inform you that 14th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology (ESG), Venice 10-13 November 2021, is confirmed and that its planning is in progress.

The format we have chosen, given the current situation, is a hybrid one combining in-person and remote participation. We feel that a mixed event is the most sensible choice allowing on the one hand, those of you who will be able to travel, to be inspired and enjoy beautiful Venice, with its gondoliers and Canals, the Palazzo Ducale , the Basilica and Piazza San Marco and the lovely backstreets you will discover whilst looking for the perfect place for a spritz or a glass of lovely Italian wine accompanied by ‘chicheti’ (Venetian tapas).

On the other hand, it will ensure that people who may not able to travel, for different reasons, may still be able to attend the meeting. Moreover, it will also allow us to switch to a fully virtual congress if need be.

For more information, please visit the ESG2021 website.

Stay safe and healthy,

Best Regards,
Andrea Genazzani
President of the European Society of Gynecology

Let's have a quick overview of what you may expect